Dear Anabelle,
I'm about to start yet another semester at this place called BYU-Idaho. I love the college. It's been 6 years since high school, and I am now 24 years old. Every semester I go back I have a ray of hope that perhaps the single ladies I meet will be AT LEAST a year or two out of high school. To be clear, I have nothing against people going to college no matter how old they are but it seems as though all of the single girls I bump into are just out of high school. The pattern is simple, I get older, they get younger. The questions are: Where do I find the older and dare I say "more mature" single girls to date (cue grimace), or have I developed a tunnel vision to look past the freshmen when I should really be open to the younguns?
I invite your insights and impressions :D
...and open fire
Open Fire,
The funny thing is, you have developed tunnel vision. Just against the girls you are actually looking for. You seem to only find the girls you aren’t looking for, which has a negative connotation for you. It always works that when you think too much about the negative, you only see the negative.
You aren’t the only one thinking, “Where are the mature people?” The thing is, though, they are indeed found at BYU-Idaho. Believe me when I say I have heard many a girl (23 and older) complain that there are not more mature young men to date, and they are just as frustrated as you are. My suggestion is to stop thinking that the girls around you are, dare I say, “immature,” and start looking for the good qualities each one has. This will help you be more hopeful for a good date and help you recognize the good and attractive qualities you want in that special someone. Keep your eyes open and have a good attitude about dating. The better your attitude about dating, the more attractive you become, and the girls you want to date will be attracted to your optimism. Trust me ;)
Tried and truly yours,
P.S. I have it on good authority that there are several mature young ladies 23 and older living in La Jolla…just so you know…
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