Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ditched on a date

Dear Anabelle,

My awkward breaking up story . . .

So I had been flirting with this guys and we had gone on a few dates, but he turned out to be a huge jerk! We were on a double date one night at a street fair in our town.

He told me he would be right back, so I was chatting with the other couple trying to make conversation with them because I didn't know either one of them very well.

Well right back turned into never! I was now the third wheel to their date.

We continued to walk around the fair and we see the guys I was dating holding hands with another girl and kissing her. I was so embarrassed! Luckily the other couple felt bad for me and kept me company the rest of the evening and gave me a ride home.

Lets just say we didn't talk after that.

From, Ditched on a date

(Ditched on a date is now happily married with her second child on the way.)


Dear Ditched at a date,

Sounds like you dodged a huge bullet without even realizing it.

Any guy who is willing to cheat on you, is willing to cheat on anybody -eEspecially on the girl who now thinks he has left you for her.

A little embarrassment now verses a lifetime of regret, hate, and an unfaithful marriage.

You have shown many others that it is possible to find true love if you stick it out and wait for the right one. He'll come, and the wait will be worth it. Congrats on the new baby coming!

Tried and truly yours,


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