Saturday, March 10, 2012

Love could be right in front of you

Dear Anabelle,

My dating/love life is a constant joke. I have many guy friends who tell me constantly how awesome, attractive, funny, interesting, smart and what an amazing catch I am. Yet not a single one will or would date me. They even tell me how absolutely astounded they are that I am still single. The problem I have is if I am all these qualities and more why am I single?
I will openly admit that I am insecure when it comes to dating, but am I really THAT big of a joke that no guy will even consider dating me?
faithfully yours,
dazed and confused

Dear dazed and confused,

I have no doubt that the friends who compliment you mean what they say. Sometimes guys and girls become such good friends with members of the opposite sex that they overlook the wonderful and prominent prospects standing right in front of them - in this case YOU. For whatever reason, we forego dating opportunities because we don't want to "ruin" the friendship, take a step "out of the friend barrier" or lose the person in our life.
The wise council of falling in love with your best friend still stands. It is much easier to spend your life laughing and enjoying the faithful companionship of someone you can trust, then looking for love in money, materialism and sometimes fun.

While these things have their pros, friendship is the endurer in life and will give you the most satisfaction with money, materialism and fun. The guys you are associating with are obviously noticing you, but are not seeing you as a dating prospect.

The best thing for a woman or man to do while waiting for love is to develop the qualities you are looking for in a future relationship. If you are looking for someone patient, be patient. If you are looking for someone kind, be kind to those around you.

When the time is right and the right person is mature enough to recognize you for the wonderful person you are, love will follow. In the meantime, continue to have fun and keep yourself involved. When the time is right, you will be ready and more appreciative for love because you have waited and earned it.
Love life the way you want to be loved.

Tried and truly yours,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Guys generally mean the compliments that they give. It is quite possible that one or more of your friends are interested in you but could feel you are looking for something better. If you are interested in one of them you may have to flirt a little more obviously with him. Us guys can be pretty dense sometimes. Keep it up, whether with one of your current friends, or somebody who'll become your best friend, something will work out.
